Write Articles & Intern at the CRC Office - Shammah Kiunsi

Getting to Know Noa Dar | August Newsletter 2022

Tell us a little about yourself? Your name, age, and how you came to know about the Charney Resolution Center.
My name is Shammah Kiunsi. I am 19 years old. I come from a family of four girls, I luckily the last born. I came to learn about the Charney Resolution Center when I went to Israel for my high school education at the Eastern Mediterranean International School. One of the buildings on campus is named after its founder.

  • What’s the weirdest food you have eaten?
    I have eaten fried flying termites before.

  • Do you have any hidden talents?
    I am a big fan of dad jokes, so I sometimes make some.

  • An interesting fact about yourself?
    I can shake my nose and ears at the same time.

  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
    I see myself graduating from a top University in actuarial science. I hope in 5 years’ time I will have finished writing and publishing the book I am working on I called “Beyond the Shadows of Emptiness”

  • What will your position be as an intern at CRC?
    I will be coordinating the Peace Simulation CAS (Creativity Activity Service), and working on projects that aim to expand the CRC network to other parts of the world starting with Africa. I will work hand in hand with the Director of CRC at EMIS.

  • What is your attitude towards this internship? What are some things you are looking forward to?
    I am very positive about this year because I believe that the Charney Resolution Center will expand its mission to other parts of the world to create “Spies for Peace”. I am desperately looking forward to working with the members of the Charney RC this year.

  • How will you grow as a person from this experience?
    I believe that the Charney RC will expose me to new challenging grounds that question the society, and me about core social issues that need to be addressed. My goals are being flexible enough to change my views in matters, openness to be able to coordinate opposing sides, and reaching out to new people that I otherwise never thought that I would encounter.  

  • What is one question you would like to answer through this internship?
    How do I make my weaknesses and strengths suit the demands of this intern?

Other Articles and Interviews | All Journals by Shammah Kiunsi Link