For the past three months, a group of EMIS students met once a week with Tzurit Yehuda of Gevim Group, for an elective mediation course.
On May 29, we all met for the last time this year, to evaluate and hear from the students what they took from this experience.
Some indicated that they are already using the skills and tools learned in their daily life. As roommates, they needed to learn how to share space and respect each other. This learning process takes time and patience, and despite everyone’s efforts, they sometimes run into issues. The terminology and skills they acquired in this class assist them in dissolving tensions and reaching solutions among their peers!
One crucial skill they learned was actually to listen to and not only hear each other. Attentive listening is a significant role in successful mediator!
The intention of Ben Dvash, head of Hakfar Hayarok boarding school is to make this first cohort class the mediation body for the entire school, where conflict of all sorts can be resolved. CRC is proudly sponsoring this initiative! We will resume the course upon the students returned to school in September 2018, and will open a new one for incoming students!
Good luck and hats off!