On Friday, February 14th, around 60 students from Tel Aviv and various cities, villages, and refugee camps in the West Bank met up at Ironi Aleph High School to discuss one simple yet complex question:
“What can we do tomorrow morning to solve the Israeli - Palestinian Conflict.”
Ironi Aleph is a liberal-arts focused high school located in the heart of Tel-Aviv and the talks were facilitated by Minds of Peace’s Dr. Sapir Handelman and the Leon Charney Resolution Center. The corporation with Ironi Aleph was initiated by Yonatan Gur-Dick, History and Civics teacher at Ironi Aleph. The talks happened in both Arabic and Hebrew, with a mediator translating.
Throughout the day the students were asking and answering questions that the other side had in hopes of creating an agreement that they would be able to share with everyone. Moreover, some students created friendships and started exchanging phone numbers and social media handles to keep in touch; they discovered that peace could be achieved on a personal level before a regional one.