I would like to extend a sudden but earned congratulations to all of the graduates. I know that this isn’t how you expected to finish your time here. Usually, graduation is a time filled with mixed emotions of both excitement and uncertain anticipation of what comes next, but I hope through all of what you may be feeling right now you know that you are part of a historical moment in time that will change the world. As scary as all that sounds, I am confident that you will find the opportunity to lead the charge into a new phase of society. But for now, it’s time to go home, calm down, take good care of yourself and your loved ones, and take your time to reflect and figure out your next chapter in life. Although things are uncertain now, they will get clearer. You are the pioneers of the new world and to prepare you I would like to outfit you with this quote from Leon Charney that I give to every graduating class when their time comes:
“Examine what options you have available to you. Maintain an awareness of this. Make changes in your life, while at the same time, contributing to making the world a better place”.
Congratulations from Tzili Charney and the Charney Resolution Center Team