We mourns the passing of President Carter, a close friend of Leon Charney and a key figure in the 1979 Camp David Accords, whose legacy of compassion, diplomacy, and human rights advocacy will endure.
L-R standing: Ezra Friedlander, Senator Ron Wyden, Senator Jeff Merkley, Tzili Charney, Senator Maggie Hassan presenting, Senator Tim Kaine, Representative Grace Meng, Greg Rosenbaum, sitting: Abe Foxman, Chief Rabbi Itzhak Yehoshua
Tzili Charney was honored at the Jewish American Heritage Month Capitol Hill Celebration on May 17, 2022.
Read moreCFND Webinar: The Special Relationship: Us-Israeli Ties Following the Elections
With Ambassador Ido Aharoni, Chairman of the Charney Forum for New Diplomacy, Dr. Chuck Freilich, Former Deputy Nation Security Advisor in Israel and Col. (res.) Dr. Eran Lerm, Vice President of JISS.
Read moreDuke University Article "Viewing Conflicts as Problems to Be Solved Can Help Diplomacy" | Featuring Peter Jones
World-renowned expert Professor Peter Jones of the University of Ottawa recently provided an overview of the history and relevance of Track 2 Diplomacy.
Read moreThe Importance of Narrative by CRC Director: Sari Marom-Shaanan
The recognition of the narrative of the other and accepting it with a detection of the accurate needs of each party can open doors into new directions in dealing with the conflict in our region.
Read moreSeven Major Trends for 2021 by Ido Aharoni
NYU's Ido Aharoni is a member of APCO Worldwide's International Advisory Council . These are his projections for 2021 and beyond.
Read moreCFND Present Article "President Donald J. Trump: The End" by Thomas L. Friedman | New York Times
Friedman writes exactly about the same point we are making: diplomacy is not about confrontations and negativity. Good one. — Ambassador Ido Aharoni, Chairman of Charney Forum of New Diplomacy
Read moreCongratulations to Dr. Sapir Handelman
Minds of Peace, Congress of the People featured on "Treasure in Jewish Education" by Chen Mingjian
We congratulate Dr. Sapir Handelman (Minds of Peace, Congress of the People) our partner on this journey towards conflict resolution, on his various recent accomplishments.
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